Club Nights


Club nights are held at the Poverty Bay Club in the Dome Room on the first Tuesday of the month.

The Dome Room is located on the corner of Customhouse Street and Childers Road.

This is an opportunity to network with others who love the blues, both musicians and enthusiasts.

$10 door charge or free to Poverty Bay Blues Inc members and participating musicians.
(Door charge may vary on nights with featured guest musicians)

We encourage musicians of all levels to come along and jam – solo artists and bands are welcome.
Solo artists may want to group with others to form bands, or just join in.

ALL please register with the Club Captain on arrival, or phone Robyne in advance at 027-3239009.
You can also contact us via our Facebook page here: or join Messenger Group PBBC Musicians Chat.
We recommend registering two weeks before the jam nights as spaces are limited and demand is high.

Acts will be limited to 3 songs or 20 minutes duration.
Because so many people are keen to play blues (and listen to it),
repeat offenders of non-compliance to the rules will not be given the opportunity to play in the future.

Jam Rules apply (Jam rules are here)

Everyone welcome to come along and enjoy a great night of live Blues from local and visiting musicians.

4 thoughts on “Club Nights

  1. Sherryl says:

    I was visiting Gisborne in January and while the went to the Gisborne market day.I liked the music of Richard Alexander who was busking there at the time.During one of his short breaks asked him if he had any CDs.
    He didn’t have one on him at that time but asked me to contact him at his email address.Someone else wrote down his email address but I think there may have been a mistake in the spelling.I would still like one of his CDs and would appreciate any help in a contact email address.

  2. Daz says:

    Sorry Sheyrl that I missed your comment here – I’ll see Big Rich probably tonight so I’ll get his current email address and send on to you. Again – sorry for the delay.

  3. Nancy S Kahalewai says:

    Hey guys ….
    Missing y’all.
    When are blues nights for Dec 2016 and Jan 2017?
    Want to be there 🙂
    Big Aloha,
    Nancy Kahalewai

  4. Daz says:

    Hey there Nancy – long time no hear!
    Just posting content about up coming community music festival we are running on Nov26th – 12noon through till 9pm – should be fun. December jam is ladies night – which will be Dec 6th – then Jan 3rd to start the year off in 2017.

    We have Brillieux coming for our Xmas party at the Dome Room – Dec 17th –
    We’ve then also got “The Big Blues Up” on Jan14th.

    Lucky that why im the blog now – to get all this stuff out there!

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